Questions Thread
Please post any and all (but only) questions as comments to this post. I will then start a new post that will include the response to and discussion of the question. I think this method of organization will be efficient and convenient for viewing all questions ever posed in one simple post. Responses from me should be expected within 24 hours of the initial posting of the question in this thread.
I'll post a couple of questions myself, for starters.
Update (4-15-07): I will now be posting comments in this thread that link to my responses to each question. This will make it easier to access the specific threads for each question, while adding minimal clutter to the Questions Thread.
I'll post a couple of questions myself, for starters.
Update (4-15-07): I will now be posting comments in this thread that link to my responses to each question. This will make it easier to access the specific threads for each question, while adding minimal clutter to the Questions Thread.
Who are you?
Why should I post questions here?
Ted, word on the street says after school you're thinking about moving to a random country so you can live paycheck to paycheck in a job that doesn't align with your skillset.
Sounds like a fun idea, one that I've considered myself a few times - but I've never considered the benefits to outweigh the costs so I'm curious. Why the live-by-a-shoestring route?
What's your take on relationships?
Romantic or otherwise.
How should we live?
Why is acting first more important than thinking first?
Why is perfection about failure?
Why do I have the trust, respect, and love in you to ask all these questions? Well, probably that's because we know each other; this is from one david boehnke. Have fun with the blog, I enjoyed my experiment with it while it lasted...perhaps I'll return to it someday soon (after being inspired). yours, db
Greatest lesson learned working at a homeless shelter?
Do you consider yourself "grown up"? For you, what does that term encompass?
What do you think about taking drugs recreationally? Do you think it makes sense the way the law distinguishes between legal drugs and illegal drugs or should it be different?
What do you think is the purpose of life in general? Of your life?
At what scale do you measure purpose in life?
What motivates you?
Haven't seen you around in awhile... guess I've been stuck on North Campus too much.
Is there anything you regret?
what importance or signifance do you place on family? would you marry someone from a "bad" family?
Re: What importance or significance do you place on family? Would you marry someone from a "bad" family?
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