Tuesday, June 05, 2007

How Straight is Your Line?

There are two kinds of imagination: fantasy imagination, and plausible imagination. Fantasy imagination includes anything that the mind could possibly stir up: anything, anywhere, at any time, of any significance, ever. Plausible imagination involves things that could be, but are not: life dreams, future goals, actions that could be taken, words that could be spoken. Some figments are closer to our grasps than others.

Our daily lives are lines in the plane of plausibility. (Some may recall the mathematical representation of real, imaginary, and complex numbers on a 2-dimensional plane). At any point in time, we are in one specific position, and we are headed in one direction, so we are always momentarily stranded in one line, one dimension; we can only look off to our surroundings, at our potential, and at the choices that we could make.

But over the course of time, we may assume a path that could only fit on a 2-dimensional plane, with plausible imaginations of one moment being actual realities of the next.

How straight is your line?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

11/10/08, 4:50 PM  

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