Friday, October 20, 2006

Re: Why is acting first more important than thinking first?

Shorter answer:
It usually isn't.

Longer answer:
Depending on what you mean exactly in the terms "acting" and "thinking," thinking should always come before acting. I am assuming that we are not interested in discussing actions resulting from instinct and emotions that bypass conscious thought. Thought always has the potential to increase efficiency and benefit of following actions. Proper thought eliminates negative mental consequences of actions, like regret.

The only situation that I can think of where actions may be more effective when taken before thought, is in being recognized and convincing to people that you wish to affect. Though even in these cases, communication of ideas could be just as powerful as display of action. All the "actions speak louder than words," and "you must see it to believe it," and "you need to experience it to really know" ways of thinking discredit and undervalue the power of thought and ideas. Ideas are as real as anything that can be detected with our primary senses. Communicating them effectively is where the difficulty lies. When successful, it should have the power to convert thoughts into beliefs.


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