Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Making Time 2

So a few weeks of random activity later, here were some of the big but not-so-obvious time wasters that I had noticed riddled throughout my daily schedules:
  • Not sleeping enough. Tiredness resulted in some 30-40 minutes of random dozing during the early morning hours, and some incalculable reduction in productivity throughout the rest of the day.
  • Spacing out while in transit. Given the insane amount of time many of us spend getting to and from work, school, practice, random excursions, etc., it would only make sense for some of that time to be applied to meditating or thinking.
  • Random routines, needless internet browsing, little unproductive habits and patterns that may not even be consciously initiated. Including excessive email/mobile device checks.
  • Entertaining pointless/useless/lame ideas, fantasies, conversations, etc. either with myself or others.
  • Excessive cynicism and conceit.
  • Standing in front of the mirror and re-styling my hair over and over again until the perfect look was achieved.
  • And most seriously, not having a plan or goal. For how to get somewhere, like a target profession or a desired travel vacation, or a bar across town.
  • And even more seriously than that, realizing and knowing of these such things, and not acting upon that realization.


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