Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Re: Do you consider yourself "grown up"? For you, what does that term encompass?

Shorter Answer:
Yes, with "grown up" meaning being mentally mature.

Longer Answer:
I haven't really thought about the term, "grown up" since high school where it was often used by teachers and parents, who considered themselves grown up, to encourage or patronize others that they did not place in that category. In that context, likely aligning with the general consensus definition, being grown up incorporates some level of responsibility, accountability, maturity, and possibly even the shedding of what might be considered childlike behavior.

At this point in time I would define the term as simply "mentally mature." This means having a level of understanding of oneself and the relevant environment around oneself to be able to think and make decisions competently. To be able to reason out for oneself what one feels is good, is right, and what qualifies for belief. I would not incorporate in the definition, change from an earlier age. In this way, I would consider myself grown up.


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